Here's an update on the latest stats from Black Ops online. I've made it to level 21. I just need a few more levels up to get a better shotgun. Even though I love the STAKEOUT, it's not giving me enough rounds and need better distancing. If I can't find a better shotgun then I gotta find something else that fits my fighting style.
I've also changed my secondary to a stronger pistol PYTHON. Played numerous Team Deathmatches. I had a crazy killing spree that went in to 7 kills, non-stop! Pretty impressive! One after another. Eventually, I want to start showing you some of the craziest kills that I pull off. But since the PSN networked crashed it has paused any new new members for Hopefully, I can get it to work soon :) Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @NikkiSIIXXgamer