Friday, July 8, 2011

Recently Played: DEAD NATION

This game had me a little skeptical, wasn't sure at first if I was going to like the game play. But after watching my boyfriend play a few rounds won me over. We went in on a survival mission against a massive zombie plaque that has infected almost the entire planet. Playing co-op we manage to go through the levels but the zombies seem to be endless it gets crazy as your shooting, fighting, running, and out smarting them. They have so many different kinds of mutation that make the creature harder to kill. You get to level up, earn coins, points, and upgrade your armor and weapons through a weapons shop that you find quite often. I was actually able to get this FREE from the playstation network, as a gift for them going hiatus after being hacked and offline for a month or two. I suggest this game for anyone who loves going on zombie killing sprees ♥

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